POP3 & IMAP E-mail Accounts
If you get a VPS server from Billixx IT, you’ll be able to create an unlimited number of email accounts with any domain name hosted on the server and to set them up with any email app. This is valid irrespective of the Control Panel that you’ll pick during the VPS order procedure, as we will install IMAP and POP3 mail servers on the VPS in any event. You’ll be able to pick either option and, to make things even easier, you’ll be able to download auto-config files for Thunderbird, Apple Mail or Outlook – if you order the VPS with cPanel or with our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can create email accounts on any device without any limitations, even on your phone – if you commute a lot and you wish to keep in touch with friends and colleagues. With our Virtual Private Servers, you can choose whether to download the email messages or to keep them on the email server depending on what you’ll use the email accounts for and on how many people will need to have access to them.
Secure cloud email provided by Billixx allows you to control the level of security for your business communications.