New York, NY 10001
+1 (800)-420-6440

Cloud Security

Cloud Security Services

Billixx cloud security provides a broad set of control-based technologies and policies deployed to protect information, data, applications and infrastructure associated with cloud computing. As with on-premises applications and data, those stored in the cloud must be just as vigilantly protected.  A virtual firewall, aka Secure Web Gateway, is a network security solution designed specifically for environments in which deploying hardware firewalls is difficult or impossible, such as public and private cloud environments; software-defined networks, or SDN; and software-defined wide area networks, or SD-WAN.  Here at Billixx, we aim to provide our clients with the best of breed security solutions and comprehensive consulting services for their technology requirements.

What is Containerization?

Container architecture changes key security concerns and requirements compared to the old world of legacy applications. With virtual machines, you have only a host OS, a guest OS and a guest application environment to secure. On bare metal and in most types of cloud-based environments, the security situation is even simpler because there are fewer layers of software.  Containerized environments have many more layers of abstraction that require specialized tools to interpret, monitor and protect these new applications. In a production container environment, for example, you have a number of different layers to secure.

Firewall as a Service

Much like a fire-resistant wall helps keep flames from spreading in a building, a firewall in a computer network (hardware, software or both) acts as a barrier to prevent unauthorized access to the network. It does this by proactively monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic as well as applying and enforcing an organization’s security policies.  Firewalls were originally created to protect on-site company networks, but as more companies moved their applications and data to the cloud, firewalls had to evolve. Now, firewall as a service, or FWaaS, enables firewalls to be delivered as part of a company’s cloud infrastructure.

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